Rabu, Mei 2

                                                                                                SOFTSKILL ENGLISH
                                                                                                  WITRI ASTRIYANI
Clauses is a string of words containing subject ( basic a sentence ) and predicate ( s-worth sentences ) .
In english there are two sorts of clauses , that is , play clauses ( induk sentences ) and subordinate clauses ( son sentences ) .
·         Main clause
Main clause ( induk a sentence ) called also with independent clauses is a string of words containing subject and predicate that have had understanding perfect ( clear ) , and can stand alone , it means not dependent on clause another .
Example :
  1. We study English.
  2. English is an international language.
  3. She has finished working.
·         Subordinate clause
Subordinate clause ( the sentence ) called jugs with dependent clause , is a string of words that contains a subject and predicate but not yet has a perfect , and unable to stand alone , it means of words hung pads another ( main clause ) .
Example :
  1. I will go if YOU go.
  2. She won’t come unless you invite her.
  3. I enjoy my job although I work long hours.
Based on function ( its use ) clauses classified into :

Noun clauses

Noun clause clause is used instead of noun or functioning as noun ( a noun ) ,
  besides noun this clause actually there is still clause other like an adverb clause and adjectively clause .
  Noun Clause >> Conjunction + Subject + Predicate+object
To deepen explanation on noun clause , please note the explanation below :
By the type of sentence his home noun clause can be classified into 4 kinds of , namely :

1.                Statement (pernyataan)
2.               Question (pertanyaan)
3.               Request (permintaan)
4.               Exclamation (seruan).
Explanation :
1.    Statement
 Conjunction worn is : that
 Clause functions as it is :
·         Subject sentence
* cendrawasih lives in indonesian ( statement )
* that cendrawasih lives in indonesian is well known as to all ( noun clause )
·         The subject of the sentence following “it”
* it is well known to all that lives in indonesian cendrawasih
·         An object of appendages
* my conclusion is that lives in indonesia cendrawasih
·         The object of the verb
* the all people understand well that cendrawasih lives indonesian
·         Apositif
* My conclusion that cendrawasih lives is Indonesia  is correct
     2.  Question
Ø  yes / no question
A .Conjunction worn is : “ whether or not / or ( if ) “
B .Clause functions as it is :
1 ) the subject of the sentence
* can she drives the car ?( question )
* whether she can drive the car doesn 't concern me .( noun clause )
whether or not she can drive the car doesn 't concern me .( noun clause
whether she can drive the car or not doesn 't concern me .( noun clause )
whether or if she can drive the car  doesn 't concern me .( noun clause )
2) An object of appendages
* my question is whether she can drive the car .
3 ) the object of the verb
* i really wonder whether she can drive the car ( or not ) .
4 ) the front of an object
* we discussed about whether she can drive the car .
Noun clause with that used as a subject of a sentence just with a verb of certain .
And the verb ( verb ) what is important is linking verb , esp. be .
* noun clause with that often being the object of the verb ) , ( verb some verb following it usually has a subject menunjukkan man .
Those words especially once was verb used in indirect speech berta verb that states the mental activities .
*      Indirect sentence of a verb
Admit , agree , allege , announce , argue , assert , assure , declare , aver , boast , claim , complain , confess , convince , deny , disagree , explain , foretell , hint , inform , insist , maintain , notify , persuade , pray , predict , proclaim , promise , relate , a remark , remind , report , say , state , swear , teach , you tell , threaten , warn
*      A verb mental activity
Ascertain , assume , it , calculate , care ( to an interrogative or negative sentence ) , conceive , conclude , consider , convince , decide , discover , doubt)

1. Ayu thinks that Mary is ill.
2. Try told me that he had finished breakfast.
3. Donghae says that Jack is very busy.
4. Hangeng that there is a mistake.
5. Enci complained to his friend that his wife couldn’t cook.

* in conversation an unofficial ( informal ) that often eliminated from object clause if it means ( as in ) has clearly understandable without any that”
*noun clause of question ( question ) located verb that requires 2 after its object probably serves as one or both of the object of the verb .
* noun clause of the question may be started with question words that serves as : pronouns , adjectives , or adverbs .
Words spoken is : pronoun = ever ( who ) , what ( ever ( , which . ( ever ) , whose , = adjectively . what ever ( ) , which ( ever ) , an adverb = how ( ever ) , when ( ever ) , where ( ever ) , why .
In noun clause from questions , the subject and the verb placeman arrangement of the common , situated and is introductory word .
* noun clause of a demand begins with that- clause is most often is the object of the verb which expresses a wish , advice , or desire and so forth .
* sometimes " that "which is the beginning of the clause can be replaced with the arrangement of words an infinitive after work showing demand as advise , ask , a beg , command , desire , forbid , order , request , require , argue .
* the subject of that-clause often in the passive form of verbs of requesting with the arrangement of anticipatory it .
Exercise :

1.  Dawan’s father, the lean peasant ,stood up, flexing his knees carefully to uncramp his leg muscles.
What does Dawan’s father do for a living? He is a ____________
a.  sailor   
b.  farmer
c.  cage keeper
d.  janitor
e.  writer
2.  The underlined words are noun clauses, EXCEPT_____________
a.  What you see is what you get b .I know what you mean
c . That was what he has done d .They knew how to put it across
e . Before he realised it ,Tien Poo was screaming out.
3.. The following are people,EXCEPT _____________
a.    rickshaw
b .   communists
c .   Japanese
d.   coolies e .British India 
4 .  It will happen unless you take ___________steps to handle it.
a.      reason
b.      reasonably
c.     reasonable
d.      reasons
e.     reasoning

Conjunctions ( conjunctions
Conjunction is conjunctions worn for connecting / conjoin words , phrase or clause in a sentence .
And most of the conjunction is native of parts of speech another , especially from preposition .
Conjunction + S + Predicate + ……. (Obyek)
Example :
Ramah and concent came yesterday
I have breakfast before i go to school
Here : ramah plugged with concent by word and and sentence igo to school plugged with sentences i have breakfast by the before .
So and and before is conjunctions ( liaison ) .
Types of conjunction ( the kinds of conjunctions )
1 .Coordinating conjunction is conjunctions used to combine unsure in the same sentence have a equivalent
Based on the meaning above coordinating conjunction can be classified into 4 kinds of :
a)        Comulative conjunction is the conjunctive that serves have the meaning collect / add and ( and ) both and Both of " and " ) and also ( and also ) , as well as the ( and also / / or ) , not only " but also ( not only  but also  ) again ( again / besides ) , furthermore ) , ( situations likewise ( as it anyway ) , besides ( besides ) , moreover ( how much more ) , ( more bets ) in addition
Our lives ,
-- as well as anis , invites me to come soon
-- she is beautiful and diligent
-- not only ita is beautiful but she is also diligent
b)        An alternative conjunction which is the conjunctive containing understanding an alternative or a choice between two or more .
Or ( or ) , either  or ( or ) , or else ( or also ) , otherwise ( otherwise ) ,neither nor ( not or)
- either that boy sinned or his parents
- neither ita not anis is a teacher
- you must take rest otherwise you will lose your health
Note :
Neither  not  always followed tobeatau the verb positif.walaupun so sense of this pattern always negative .
c)        An adversative conjunction which is the conjunctive containing themeaning of opposition between one part denagn part anything else .
But , however ( but ) , though , although , eventhough ) , ( though inspite of , despite ) , ( though regardless ( without memedulikan ) yet ) , ( though , nevertheless ( but ) , while ( while , although ) , still ( but ) , whereas ( in fact , while )
-- he is clever man nevertheless he as often as hakes mistakes
-- wise men love truth , whereas fools -shun it
Note :
Although and inspite have the meaning of the same but its use different .
Although followed a complete sentence udja inspite of not .
He went out although it was raining
He went out inspite of the rain

Exercise :

Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions.
1.    I am right ——————– you are wrong.
a)    And
b)    Or
c)    But
d)    Though
2.    ——————- he was not invited, he did not come.
a)    So
b)    As
c)    For
d)    That
3.    ——————– somewhat boastful, he is a good companion.
a)    As
b)    Though
c)    But
d)    Since
4.    Give every man thy ear, —————— few thy voice.
a)    But
b)    As
c)    For
d)    And
5.    He knew more about culture and philosophy ——————— any man
a)    Than
b)    And
c)    Since
d)    For
6.    And God called the light day, ——————– the darkness He called night.
a)    And
b)    But
c)    Or
d)    For
7.    He may be right —————– wrong in his opinion.
a)    Or
b)    And
c)    But
d)    Since

Answer :
1.    But
2.    As
3.    Though
4.    But
   5.    Than
6.    And
7.    Or


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